Training For Individuals

Woman with prosthetic leg reading

Training Calendar

Our bi-yearly public training calendar outlines our scheduled training programs across Australia over the six month period. Subscribe or join as a member, professional subscriber or professional member to keep up to date with new training offerings. Professional members receive a 10% discount on all full day Blue Knot training.

Professionals may claim CPD hours/credits/points as a pre-approved or self-directed learning activity. Clearly articulated learning outcomes for each program and Certificates of Attendance help support your reporting obligations. For more information, please refer to your professional association or the AHPRA website.

Please refer to our terms and conditions around cancellations, transfers and refunds before booking your training and before contacting Blue Knot. If an event requires rescheduling Blue Knot will give participants as much notice as practicable.

Please note all of our virtual classrooms are facilitated on the Zoom platform.

All events advertised on the website are payable by credit card, unfortunately Blue Knot does not issue invoices. 

See also our Frequently Asked Questions for attending our training here

Please make sure to double check the location and time zone for your training before you book!

We have training that is running in multiple time zones for Western Australia and International attendees.

Participants registering for face-to-face training are required to attend in person at the venue, there is not an option to join these trainings remotely via zoom.

Please note to view our upcoming training please use the filters below.

  • 29

    (PUB) Trauma Informed Diversity Awareness Masterclass

    1 day, 09:00 AM ACST - 04:30 PM ACST
    This masterclass will build the knowledge and skills to work competently and confidently with transgender and gender diverse (including non-binary) people accessing therapeutic and other services. It explores the intersectionality of complex trauma, discrimination, and minority stress to build understanding on how these factors impact the health of transgender and gender diverse people.
    • Blue Knot Professional Member Discount $330.00 incl. GST
    • $370.00 incl. GST