Group of people looking at an ipad in a coffee shop

Welcome to the Blue Knot Professional Community - connect with us here for resources, training, supervision and practice tools for yourself or for your organisation.

Building Safe

Supporting Trauma
Responsive Practice

Growing Secure
Base Leaders

Promoting Wellbeing
For Staff

A workforce that recognises trauma and works in a trauma-informed way is integral to the recovery of people who have experienced it.
A trauma-informed professional community understands the nature of trauma, its impacts and possibilities for recovery. By building a trauma-informed professional community Blue Knot not only upskills and empowers people who work with people who have experienced trauma but supports them to stay healthy and well and creates safety in our services and organisations.

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Secure Base Leadership
Secure Base Leadership

“Strong back, soft front, wild heart”

Exploring Secure Base Leadership
A recent addition to our training programs is our Trauma Responsive Leadership program. This training focuses on supporting leaders, new…

Apply to Blue Knot Referral Database
Apply to Blue Knot Referral Database

Blue Knot Foundation manages a Referral Database of health practitioners and organisations with experience in supporting adult survivors of childhood trauma and abuse. Helpline counsellors identify service providers from this database in response to requests from service users. Blue Knot Foundation provides this information as a service only and cannot guarantee its suitability for any service user’s particular needs. You can apply to join the database as a health practitioner or agency below.

Apply to become a Blue Knot Trauma-informed Trainer
Apply to become a Blue Knot Trauma-Informed Trainer

Blue Knot is always looking for experienced trauma-informed practitioners who have a strong knowledge base
in understanding and working with complex trauma to join the team.
If you are interested in applying or receiving more information click the link below we look forward to connecting.

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Training Programs

Blue Knot Foundation offers a variety of training programs that build on each person’s, team’s or organisation’s knowledge of complex trauma and trauma-informed practice and how best to support services and practice in both clinical and non-clinical settings. We deliver training in trauma-informed practice, complex trauma, vicarious trauma and leadership across sectors around Australia.

See our Training Programs

Training for Individuals

Our bi-yearly training calendar showcases our training programs scheduled around Australia. We offer a combination of in-depth face-to-face training and fast facts webinars. Browse our offerings for training dates near you.

Training for Individuals

Training For Organisations

We can deliver our training programs in your organisation and at a venue of your choice. This allows you to focus on training which best suits the strengths, challenges, and needs of your teams.

Training for Organisations
Group of people looking at an ipad in a coffee shop

and Practice

Professionals and teams working with complex trauma clients need space to discuss their own needs, reflect on practice and to manage the risks and impacts of vicarious trauma. Our group trauma-informed supervision, reflective practice and debriefing services cultivate a trauma sensitive environment for organisations.

Supervision and Practice
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Organisational Development

Blue Knot Foundation understands the challenges of trauma-informed organisational development. We support organisations to design and implement an achievable change process, which meets current and future needs. This can include review of culture, practice, policies, procedures, systems and programs. Trauma-informed organisational development benefits staff, clients and the organisation alike.

Organisational Development
Five light globes on blue background
Person looking at books on a shelf
Person looking at books on a shelf

Facts Sheets and
Other Resources

Blue Knot Foundation provides extensive resources including Fact Sheets for Professionals to enhance and support knowledge in the workplace.

Fact Sheets and Other Resources


Looking for further resources? 

View Our Resources

Fact Sheets

See our Fact Sheets

Blue Knot Review

Read Blue Knot Review